Thursday, February 3, 2011

There is only one certain fact about life. We all gotta die sometime.

The fact about life is that nobody knows for sure what happens after you die.  Do you go to heaven, hell, get reincarnated, or is this life the only chance you get.  No one knows, but many people will tell you they do.  They really don't know, but they believe they do.  This is pretty much what is wrong with most people, they take their beliefs as being unquestinably true.  At one point in time, people used to overwhelmingly believe that the Earth was flat.  Our history is filled with people doing at the time what they believed was right, but we now look at them as being crazy.  Like in Salem Witch trials, where girls were burned at the stake after being accused of being witches.  If this was to happen now, people would go fucking crazy.  But just over three hundred years ago, this really happened.  I only wish I could see what is gonig to be said in three hundred years about this generation.  Social norms and public opinon change everyday.  Why should I shape myself around beliefs and social norms that may no longer apply even ten years down the road?  It is important to be yourself and do what you want to do.  Except raping and murder people since that shit was only cool like a thousand years ago.  Who knows what the future brings.  Sometimes you have to live in the moment.  People will always criticize what you're going to do.  But unless they're putting money on your table then who really cares.  Everyone has opinions, just don't expect me to shape my life around anyone elses but my own.


  1. I didn't know that raping and murdering was cool 1000 years ago. ha!

    Always be yourself.

  2. I think it would be really crazy to know the answers to all of the questions that every person asks at some point in their life! But made that's the point to not know and just go with it!
