Tuesday, April 12, 2011

SGA aka My Magic Table Leg

Seriously....the student government at WVU is getting out of hand.  http://www.thedaonline.com/news/governor-says-cheng-assaulted-him-classless-1.2146326    Just read this article and you will not be able to stop laughing.  My only real problem with this whole article, since I support people getting beat by table legs, is the fact that if this was to happen to a regular student they would for sure be in trouble.  When this happens to a SGA member, they only thing that they ever face is an article in the newspaper.  Last semester, a member of SGA was caught hazing by the cops, ran, and was still found not guilty by the school.  What?  The school policy for normal students is so strict that this is normally an open and shut case, but somehow this SGA member was able to get off scott free.  Now you have the Governor and the Vice President fighting in the Mountainlair without anyone seeing anything.  HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY NOT NOTICE AN ASIAN MAN WEARING A GI (tradition karate uniform) CHASING THE GOVERNOR AROUND WITH A "TABLE LEG", YELLING AND SCREAMING, IN THE MOUNTAINLAIR.  There is no way no one saw that.  The mountainlair has been packed all week and your telling me this goes on and no one sees it.  By the way, I totally would of beat that kids ass who was supposedly printing shirts that said my girlfriend had chlamydia, but I digress.  I loved this story, but it pisses me off how the school just dismisses it and somehow no one knows anything.  Try being a regular student and denying something.  You'll still get in trouble.  While I love seeing crazy stuff like this go on, it just continues to point out the hypocrisy that constantly occurs at WVU.


  1. I wonder how many other people witnessed this and were like wtf? I personally wish I could have seen it!
